I Like To Paint

I really enjoy painting.  Something about grabbing a bunch of colors and mixing them all together and just painting a canvas relaxes me.  I do not know which canvas is best, or which brush to use, or what paint is best, or any of the technical brush strokes to use, but I love to paint.

I have been using my “skills” as a painter to release some stress lately.  I’ve painted a pot, to hold flowers on my front porch, and two canvases that feature flowers.  Or, what I think looks like flowers.  Oddly enough, my pot also features flowers, but more along the lines of a flower that anyone could recognize.  Maybe I have a thing with flowers?  Or maybe they are the easiest thing to paint?  Maybe flowers are my spirit animal.  I do also find gardening relaxing… hmmm.. I might be onto something here.

I also dabble in crochet, and although I do know the technical ways to do different stitches, I do not know which yarn is best (well, okay, I do, but I’m not paying for it when the cheap stuff looks and feels just as nice)!  I also cross-stitch, and again, I know how to do it so that is looks beautiful once finished, but I do not use expensive fabric or floss (thread).

So, I paint, but don’t really know “how” to paint.  I crochet and cross-stitch, but I do not go the fancy route.  I am a simple lady, with simple (cheap) crafting tastes.  Crafting is my all time favorite thing to do in my free time, which is incredibly limited lately.  Sometimes I chose crafting over eating.  Oops.

So, I’m curious, what is something that you love to do, even though you are not an expert, or willing to go above and beyond to learn how to do it “correctly”?


I know, my last post was about my baby napping by herself, and now I’m on to the topic of strippers.  Welcome to the crazy world inside of my head, where no two thoughts are alike, or even on the same wave length.  Enjoy!

So, my husband will be attending two bachelor parties over the next two months.  One I’m not even concerned about.  It’s a bunch of guys going white water rafting and out to the bars.  Seriously guys, have fun!  Enjoy!  Drink all the beers!  The other, I am getting irritated over.  I know that strip clubs are pretty much a standard anymore, but I’ve decided that I don’t think it’s right.  Not sure if this has to do with us having a daughter now, my own thoughts on my sagging, stretch-marked body image, or what, but I am super anti-strip club now.  And why shouldn’t I be?

My biggest question is this, how is going to a strip club not considered cheating?  I mean, seriously.  A guy gets to go to a bar and watch naked (yes, this strip club is 100% naked) girls jiggle their breasts around (and whatever vaginas do while you dance on a pole… oh, I just threw up a little) and I am supposed to think that’s okay?  What if he went to a house party and all the girls there were naked.  Would it be okay as long as he threw dollars at them?  And lap dances are 100% cheating.  Breasts in your face, and a girl grinding on your junk.  Yes, that is cheating.

Now, my husband doesn’t like strip clubs.  Whether it’s because he is uncomfortable sporting wood while hanging out with his friends, or whether he feels the whole thing is actually gross and ridiculous, I’m not really sure.  He says it’s the later, but maybe he just says that to make me feel better about it.  I can’t imagine sitting around a table with all of your friends while you’re rocking a hard-on could be all that fun.  Unless it is.  In which case, gross, and maybe we should talk…

Now, there are ladies out there who don’t really care if their husbands go to strip clubs.  I used to be one of them, way back in the day.  I even told him I’d like to go with him, if he were going.  I mean, I can appreciate a good pair of breasts just as much as the next girl, but he never took me up on the offer.  Again, maybe because he thinks strip clubs are gross, but maybe just because he would be uncomfortable pitching a tent next to me and wondering if I had noticed.  (I would have).

I know that the world is full of obligations.  One of those obligations is to see your friends off when they chose to cross over into married life (I mean, it IS the most awful thing EVER, right?).  Saying no to this, just because they are going to strip club, is unheard of.  I understand, but I don’t have to like it.  Hopefully all the lap dances will go to the man of honor.  This is the type of group that would buy one for everyone though.  You know, so they can all have boners together.  It’s HARD to understand a special bond like that.


How I Got My Baby To Nap Without Me, And Why It Makes Me Sad

Lately I have been down.  There are legitimate reasons, mostly having to do with the complete life reset of becoming a mommy, but there are also strange reasons that I never imagined.  The biggest of which is having my baby nap on her own.

Ever since Scoop was born, she napped with me.  On me, actually.  She would even sleep while nursing.  I call it nap nursing, and she was a pro.  If I moved even slightly to try to remove the boob, she would wake.  It was best to just let her use me as a pacifier so that she could get a good nap. And speaking of a pacifier, she never took one, no matter how many brands I offered, she thought they were silly and would spit them directly onto the floor.  So, she’s a strange one is what I’m saying.

Anyway, in the past month,  I began to put her down for naps without the boob.  It has happened in stages.  Stage one was to change location.  Instead of nursing downstairs in the recliner on her boppy, I would nurse her upstairs in bed (where she nurses to sleep for bedtime) on her boppy.   Then the next week I changed up the position (stage two).  Still in bed, but now laying down instead of the boppy.  The goal here being to remove the boppy from the equation.  I did this for a week, and she would nap, but the naps were much shorter because she had a wider range of motion and would wake herself by rolling around.  Stage three was to remove the boob from the equation all together.  I would lay beside her, as if we were going to nurse, but I would keep my bra on.  She DID NOT like this new step.  Removing the boobie was just an awful experience for both of us, but I knew it was an important one.  She was 8.5 months old, and I eventually plan on weaning after she is a year old, so we had to get this boobie-less nap time thing on the move!  I kept at it, laying in bed with her while she cried, and cried, and cried.  I used the “shushing” method that I had heard so much about from other mommies.  I would lay beside her, not looking at her, and go “shh shh shh shh shh.”  She would eventually fall asleep.  Again, naps weren’t long, but they were naps, and they were naps without the boobie, for the first time ever, and I was excited for both of us.

Then, stage four was to remove myself from nap time.  I did this by putting Scoop into our bed, as if it was regular ol’ mommy beside her nap time, and I would put a pillow buffer around her.  She is very much not mobile.  She can roll, but not crawl, so the pillow buffer was perfect.  This was actually easier than having me beside her.  She fell asleep quicker, with less crying, and stayed asleep longer.  I felt like I should have been awarded some sort of prize.  In just two weeks I had got my boob-in-mouth-while-sleeping-only baby, to sleep without a boob and by herself!  Happy dances ensued.

Stage five was just impossible, I thought.  Sleeping without the boob, by herself, in….. the crib!  *Cue horror movie music of your choice.*  Impossible, impossible!  This girl was fine to be in her crib in the morning while I showered (with the monitor, constantly watching her – For those who had a mini panic attack right there), but being in the crib while she was tired?  No way.  She knew what was happening.  We’d tried it a few times at night during our “bad nights” where she refused to sleep anywhere, at any time.  “IMPOSSIBLE!”  I screamed to myself and my husband.  Yet I knew it was the next step.  It would be dangerous to have her sleeping in my bed for too much longer, it had to be done.

So,  I did it.  And it worked.  I walked in with her, once I knew she was good and tired, turned on her fan, closed the blinds, put her in her sleep nest (an absolute miracle worker for sleep — seriously — DO IT!  It changed our lives!), and lay her down.  I said, “have a great nap.  I love you,” and I kissed her on the head, walked out, and shut the door.  She fussed, not cried, for five minutes, and then slept for an hour.

**Important note:  Not all naps go this smoothly, or for this long.  They do vary greatly, and sometimes she still nurses to sleep for naps if she is feeling bad, or is extra clingy that day.**

I was floored.  I had done it!  My nine month old was currently sleeping in a crib, without my boob, without me….

Without me.  As excited as I was about this, I was also incredibly sad.  I know that as she gets older, she needs me less.  I understand that, and I accept it, but nine months and she’s already starting?  I was sad, and I’ve continued to be sad.  Every time I lay her down, I am sad.  I am sad that she doesn’t need me to be there, I am sad that I don’t get to spend that time watching her sleep.  Seeing her little eyes flutter while she dreams, have her hands lay on my chest, see her body rise and fall with each tiny breath.  It has been hard on me, and I’ve just recently realized how much so.

I used to spend 14 hours a day with my baby, now with naps it’s more like 11.  I know it’s nice to have time to myself.  I’d never be able to blog anymore, or clean the kitchen, or fold laundry, without this new nap time.  The house hasn’t looked this nice since she was still in my belly (or when my mom and grandmother visit), but it is a large price to pay for a clean house.  No one warned me that I would need her more than she needs me.  No one told me that just having her next to me would give me the answer to everything.  She is the answer to everything.  She is my little love, my baby, and she is my world.

So, while I am glad that she is getting better naps, I just hope she knows how much her mommy misses her and hates to put her in there by herself.  There is a limit on the time we have on this planet, but there is also a limit on the amount of time for certain things.  We are only able to play outside everyday for the first few years of life, college is only for 4-8 years, your wedding day is only one short day, vacations are only a few days, and your baby needing you in specific ways are only for a few months at a time.  Soon she will need me to help her while she walks, but one day I will let go of her hands and she will take off on her own, and she will never need me to hold her while she walks again.  How many more moments do I have to be everything she needs?


Do you ever feel like things are just…. wrong?  You can’t exactly pin-point what it is that is wrong, but you know there is something.  Something just eating away at the back of your mind, something that is always there.  Waiting.  Waiting for you to fall into a vulnerable state, and then BAM, it hits you.

But what hits you?  You can’t figure it out.  You look at the obvious.  Am I sick?  No.  Am I tired?  No, not really.  Am I unhappy?  Yes, there it is.  You are unhappy, but why?

Why do we suddenly begin to feel unhappy when nothing has changed?  Is it because nothing has changed?  Do you suddenly find yourself needing more?  How could you need more now, when this amount has always been sufficient.  You’ve always been happy with what you have, but now you need more?  You greedy little thing you.  You should be content with what you have!

But you aren’t, and you don’t know how to fix it.  How can you expect to receive more from someone who is still content with the amount they’ve always given you.  They even seem to be okay that you’ve stopped giving as much.  They seem to be thriving.  Maybe they didn’t need you as much as you thought.  Maybe they like having less of you, while you crave more of them.  Maybe you two should talk.  Really talk.  Although talking has never been your strongest ability together.  You are more intuitive with your relationship.  You just know.

And there is the problem.  You already know.  You already know that more isn’t available, because it never has been.  This is it.  This is what you get, and you have to get over this desire for something that isn’t there.  You have to fill that missing space with your new child.  Your new future as a mommy AND a wife.  And that will be enough, in time.  It is enough for your heart and soul, so it will be enough for your desires.

Quit being so selfish.  Your child is the best thing that’s ever happened to you, and she needs you to be strong, and to put your love and energy into her, not feeling sorry for yourself.  Cheer up, and get with the program.  It’s not all sunshine and lollipops. It never will be.  Just love what you have, and love it with everything you’ve got.  This is your life, and you make the best of it.

And I will…

How I Met Your Mother: Finale

Alright, here is my big confession, I LOVE TV.  I love it.  I am completely obsessed with TV.  Now that I have a baby,  I do not get as much time to watch as I’d like, but I still make it a point to sneak in a show or two before bedtime.  Last night we watched the series finale of How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM).  I have a lot of thoughts about it, but my brain cannot get over the mother.  The mother haunts me.


When the episode “How Your Mother Met Me” finished airing.  I was a wreck.  How unfair for this show to give the lives of Marshall, Lily, Ted, and Robin such a seemingly happy story lines (excluding the breakup, Marshall’s father, and Robin’s infertility… fine, maybe there were some really sad times), but give the mother this horrible, traumatic loss of her one true love, on her birthday?  I know that life is unfair, and HIMYM has never shied away from bringing real life problems into their show, which I admire, but this was heartbreaking.  I figured that it was okay because she is going to meet Ted and have babies and a perfect life, so she will get her fairy tale life, but then the show kills us again.  They kill the mother after just ten years with Ted.  Ten years, and two children, and she dies of a sickness of some type.

Why is her story so sad?  Why would the creators make a show revolving around this mysterious mother, just to show us a woman who is amazing, but has suffered so much, and then doesn’t even get to watch her children grow up?  Just so we can see Ted and Robin end up together?  So we could see that blue french horn one more time?  I’m not sure how other fans feel about this, but the mother got an unfair deal, and I cannot help thinking that Ted was always in love with Robin, even while married to the mother.  Was he just with the mother because Robin had denied him so many times?  Because of his friendship with Barney?  Because Ted wanted to have children and couldn’t with Robin?  Was the mother just a womb?  Did the mother lose her true love, marry someone who wasn’t completely in love with her, have two children she loved, and then not get to experience a long, full life?

How could this have been their major plan?  Were they hoping we’d all overlook the mother?  “It’s Robin, be happy!  Forget that mother lady….”  No!  Shame on you, creators.  Shame on you for making us wonder who this beautiful lady was for nine seasons, then taking her away from us just to give us that damn blue french horn again.

Now go to your room…. I don’t want to see you again!

Udderly Embarrassing

Yesterday I decided to go on a walk.  We are finally experiencing some SPRING weather!  I could not be more excited!  Although, the allergy fun is already starting.  Oh well, worth it for the nice weather.  Anyway, walking, me, baby…

I walked for an hour, and in that time I walked 2.5 miles.  Not too shabby for a lady out of shape, pushing a baby stroller up hills.  When I got home I realized that I needed a shower.  Bad.  There was no way I could nurse Scoop (the name I will be using for my daughter) while so disgustingly sweaty.  I put her down with some toys, ran into the bathroom, took my top off, and stopped dead in my tracks.  My breasts were hanging out of the bottom of my sports bra.  I’m talking nipples and all.  My breasts have grown significantly since getting pregnant and breastfeeding, and that is all normal, but when you start at a DDD, they get ridiculous.  Absurd!  I was mortified.  Was it noticeable?  If it was, did anyone notice?

Just one more addition to the pro side of my breast reduction argument, which at the moment contains no con’s (besides maybe pain factor).  I am so ready, but I know I have at least a year, and maybe more.  We also have to be 100% sure that we will not try to have a second child.  Although I am 98% sure, I am not forcing myself to make the decision today or tomorrow.  My husband also has a say, but of course I get the most say.  (ha!)  He is thinking the same way I am though.   We both agree that having an only is the best decision for our family.  Our little Scoop and us!

So, although I got a bit off-track there, the main point of this is to say that my breasts outrageously large, and apparently have lost a lot of their sensitivity since I walked for an hour and never noticed that they were not actually in my bra.  Watch out, world, a smaller version of myself is in the future, and she is going to wear cute bras and actually fit into bathing suits and clothes!  Woo!

April 1st — Time To Begin

Well, it’s April 1st, and as much as I’d like to say that I am making an April Fools Day joke, I am serious when I say that it is time to get into shape.  After getting pregnant, and then having my baby, I have been less than healthy.  I used my pregnancy and breastfeeding as excuses to eat whatever I wanted.  It was marvelous, but now it’s time to get busy!

Here are my starting pictures.  I don’t think I am looking too bad for only nine months postpartum, but I have seen some women rocking perfect bikini bodies by now (depending on what your personal preference is for a bikini body).  To those women I say, Shhh.  I am just going to assume that everyone has been as slack and unhealthy as I’ve been.  Okay?  Deal?  Alright!

4-1-14-1 4-1-14-2

Starting weight is 145 (I was 138 before getting pregnant).  My goal is to eat better, start walking, and eventually add in some yoga.  I am also beginning the mental preparations for a breast reduction in the next year or two.  Then maybe I could actually run?  Nah…. running is hard.

Join in in my random life.  Sometimes I will chat about exercise, sometimes TV, sometimes my daughter, and anything else that pops into my head.  I hope you enjoy!