I Like To Paint

I really enjoy painting.  Something about grabbing a bunch of colors and mixing them all together and just painting a canvas relaxes me.  I do not know which canvas is best, or which brush to use, or what paint is best, or any of the technical brush strokes to use, but I love to paint.

I have been using my “skills” as a painter to release some stress lately.  I’ve painted a pot, to hold flowers on my front porch, and two canvases that feature flowers.  Or, what I think looks like flowers.  Oddly enough, my pot also features flowers, but more along the lines of a flower that anyone could recognize.  Maybe I have a thing with flowers?  Or maybe they are the easiest thing to paint?  Maybe flowers are my spirit animal.  I do also find gardening relaxing… hmmm.. I might be onto something here.

I also dabble in crochet, and although I do know the technical ways to do different stitches, I do not know which yarn is best (well, okay, I do, but I’m not paying for it when the cheap stuff looks and feels just as nice)!  I also cross-stitch, and again, I know how to do it so that is looks beautiful once finished, but I do not use expensive fabric or floss (thread).

So, I paint, but don’t really know “how” to paint.  I crochet and cross-stitch, but I do not go the fancy route.  I am a simple lady, with simple (cheap) crafting tastes.  Crafting is my all time favorite thing to do in my free time, which is incredibly limited lately.  Sometimes I chose crafting over eating.  Oops.

So, I’m curious, what is something that you love to do, even though you are not an expert, or willing to go above and beyond to learn how to do it “correctly”?